
Group exhibition Bedrock 4
(May 24-31, 2024) →

Josefine Boel Johannessen
Tag a friend and say nothing
(February 08-11, 2024) →

Godhadi (Abhaya Rajani, Rajani Kadam, Satyawati Kadam, Sugandha Kadam), with Sam McNeil Labour of Protesting: anti-caste lineage (2023) →

Group exhibition
Bedrock 3 (2023) →

Sara Annsofidotter
Industrious youth (2023) →

Karon Nilzén
Porte Wirtaplopice (och andra utvägar) (2023) →

Anne Sofie Skjold Møller, Hollie Solvild
it rains, it pours and Emotional Landscapes (2022) →

Filip Vest, in collaboration with Paolo de Venecia Gile and Alen Nsambu
Why do you carry that thing (everywhere you go)? (2022) →

Jane Pedersen
No Club (2022) →

Group exhibition
Bedrock 2 (2022) →

Olivia Rode Hvass
In Captivity but No Longer Dead (2022) →

Dominik Morgas, Wojciech Wilk, Karolina Rolka Zaborska
Not Easy Meat (2022) →

Marina Dubia
Glitched Belongings and arriscame (2022) →

Laurits Honoré Rønne

Katla Runarsdottir
Ceramics and Wine (2022) →

Group exhibition
Bedrock (2022) →


Online screening, Abhaya Rajani and Sam McNeil
(2024) →

Vida Vojić
(2024) →

Release event, thumb2: an exhibition concerning virtual scale and drawing (2023) →

Film screening, Eternit by Richard Dmitri Hee (2023)

Release event, KULTURO #54: Ting (2023) →


Booklet, Godhadi’s Labour of Protesting:  Mending of Disintigrated Dalitness (2023)

Ladder Space is an artist-run exhibition- and project space located in a stable building at Halmtorvet

Group exhibition Bedrock 2

Practical information

October 21, 17:00 – 21:00, 2022

Additional opening hours:
October 22 — October 23, 12:00 – 18:00, 2022

Halmtorvet 11D, DK-1700 Copenhagen

Bedrock 2
Group exhibition

Bedrock is the biannual group exhibition of Halmtorvet 11A-F studio collective.

The exhibition is a container providing a glimpse of the current state of the studio collective. Including both current and previous members, as well as previous exhibitors of Ladder Space, the exhibition reestablishes the studio collective, whatever that means to each of us in its arbitrary state.

The premise of the exhibition is not to control or manage what the artists contribute, which means that the exhibition contains works at different stages of production, showing many facets of what can be conceived as "finished". By continually opening up the building, the audience can peek into some of the raw processes that are going on in the stables, as well as how these are changing over time.

Bedrock refers to the foundation or bottom of a mountain; something hidden and solid from which the mountain protrudes from. Seemingly solid it is still in constant change, morphing into other shapes, affected by its surroundings and internal states.

The exhibition is supported by Snabslanten.


Dominik Morgás
Karolina Zaborska
Morten Poulsen
Filip Vest
Jane Pedersen
Jonas Handskemager
Mai S. Keldsen
Anne Sofie Skjold Møller
Anders Aarvik
Madeleine Andersson
Laurits Honoré Rønne


Anne Sofie Skjold Møller
Anders Aarvik



Anders Aarvik, untitled (forms of situated computation sigil), Drypoint on mulberry paper, fence, teasel (dipsacus)

Karolina ‘Rolka’ Zaborska, The Planet Venus, Collage: printed paper, acrylic, epoxy resin on board

Laurits Honoré Rønne, post.report [1], butane/ propane gas, parabolic heater, cotton/ polyester
blankets, DALL·E 2 generated visuals

Madeleine Andersson, the human body is just a torus when you simplify the topology, Print on paper

Jonas Handskemager, (Untitled) flowerkiosk, Injekt print on baryta, passepartout, clipframe

Mai S. Keldsen, Midsummer, Analogue photograph, inkjet print on 190g matt fine art paper

Quote by the roman poet Vergil, from: ‘Naturens Lys’, Aksel Haaning, p. 19.
Ink made from elderberries mixed with water from the holy source at Thyholm. Its healing powers are known to be strongest at midsummer.

Jane Pedersen, Say Her Name 1 & 2, Two drawings in colourpencil

Anne Sofie Skjold Møller, it rains, it pours (excerpt), Foam, textiles, ceramics, lemongrass scent, beeswas, water, fire

Dominik Morgaś, Let the artist die, Acrylic and oil on canvas

Morten Poulsen, Boys will be..., Recordings of three giggling men, three loudspeakers on three

Filip Vest, Second Hand Love, Costumized textiles bought in second hand stores


Ladder Space is an eclectic exhibition space that encapsulates what surrounds it. In a stable building at Halmtorvet – which also functions as a studio collective – exhibitions and performances manifest, in addition to activities of more processual, temporary, and communal character.

The exhibition space strives to resemble how we encounter the world today, as leaping and association-driven, where we scroll through a reality that is intertwined, paradoxical and interchangeable. Instead of curating the exhibitions based on a single idea or a set frame of references or preferences, we examine the chaotic and paradoxical concept of housing many different practices under one roof and let themes and associations flow freely and weave in and out of the different activities. The eclectic becomes a tool to generate new meanings, understandings and coherence and use this openness towards the chaotic as a method to create new forms of dialogue and add nuance and complexity to the activities and conversations that take place in Ladder Space.


Halmtorvet 11D, DK-1700 Copenhagen



Opening hours

Open on occasion and by appointment. Please refer to the specific exhibition.

Organisers and curators

Anne Sofie Skjold Møller
Anders Aarvik
Laura Hjort

Assistance of additional members of Halmtorvet 11A-F studio collective.


Copenhagen Municipality
Vesterbro Lokaludvalg

Support has been granted for specific activities and include
Vesterbro Lokaludvalg
Rådet for Visuel Kunst
Statens Kunstfond
Nordisk Kulturfond
Dansk Tennisfond
The Polish Embassy

